
Powder Skiing & Freeskiing - News, Tips, Tricks, Videos and more

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How to create snow profile

How to: Snow Profiles / Creating a snow profile – If you are out in the backcountry with your skis, you should know what kind of snow cover we have. The right equipment alone is often not enough – a snow profile is very helpful.

This winter we had hardly any frost on the ground, a lot of wind and extreme temperature differences … I’m curious what the snow profile will show us. And don’t forget to ALWAYS switch on the avalanche transceiver, only then will it help!

Snow depth: 260cm
Slope: 37 °
Slope: west slope
Location: Austria – Bad Gastein, Sportgastein 47 ° 03’04.2 „N 13 ° 06’09.5“ E

Result of the snow profile, see video!

A special thanks to: Fischer Ski and Pieps

Snow report Bad Gastein – November 2019

29th November 2019: Start of the season and we checked the slopes in Sportgastein, Bad Gastein / Ski amade‘.

In Skigastein at 2.600m we had -4 ° C and 2cm fresh snow on the piste. The slopes S1, S2 and S3 are excellent for this season and the Goldbergbahn sections 1 and 2 are also open. Skiing off piste is not recommended, because there is still not enough snow!

More information about Gastein, see https://www.gastein.org

See current video:

Perfect Powder skiing in Austria – VIDEO

Video about deep Powder snow skiing in Gastein – the perfect powder day!

Skiing in deep powder snow ( powder skiing / skiën Oostenrijk ) in the beautiful Gastein valley, Bad Gastein, Austria – Ski amade‘.

  • Deep snow in untouched nature, perfect weather and the fresh powder was just awesome, powder skiing is really fun!
  • We were very lucky, during the ascent we been accompanied by an unforgettable sunriseand and were been first on the mountain (Sportgastein, Kreuzkogel in Badgastein / 2.686m).

The weather was perfect as well as the approx. 60cm deep snow ( fresh powder snow ). And with skier colleagues who not only konw the perfect powder ski technique, but also share the desire to indulge in deep snow, this is friendship.
Thanks guys, it was a perfect powder day in the austrian mountains – watch this…..

Powder Skiing in Bad Gastein, the Austrians say „der absolute Tiefschnee Traum!“

Location: Sportgastein, Bad Gastein, Ski amade´- Salzburger Land, Austria
Riders: Andreas Krobath, Zoran S. und Roland G.
Powerd by: Fischer Ski / Ranger, Julbo und Pieps

Have fun and stay safe on the mountains!

More see also, the new 360° skiing Video in fresh powder snow, click here!

Powder skiing in Austria / watch this 360° Video

Powder skiing is always something special and when you watch this 360 degree Video with an VR Goggle, it is like skiing in real.

This 360° Video was made in Austria, Gastein ( Location: Sportgastein ) skiing down from the Middle station along the gondola „Goldbergbahn“ on Februar 4th 2019 by about 50cm fresh snow and sunny weather.

Enjoy the ride / freeride run in deep powder snow in the austrian alps:

What your ski carrying technique says about you, the Austrian view on 10 types

Ski carry technique – Carrying skis is tricky – which type are you? And which technique do you use? Everyone has their own way of carrying skis, and we have summarized some of these techniques ( 10 types or 10 ways to carry your skies ) in this short video.

Ski carrying technique from the austrian perspective / point of view. While „Ski Pros“ are familiar with the classic over-the-shoulder carry technique, known as „The Local“, they’ll be less familiar with this techniques such as:
Ski carry types:
1: the local
2: the bazooka
3: the idle
4: the freerider
5: the military man
6: the prezzie
7: the suitcase
8: the boyfriend
9: the hobo
10: the scissors

Which type you are? Watch the video and you will know!

Rider: Andreas Krobath
Location: Sportgastein, Bad Gastein – Austria, Österreich – Ski amade

Location was: Bad Gastein, Sportgastein/ Ski Amade´

Top – Powder Skiing Tips

How to ski in powder snow – Tips for skiing powder… and leave uncertainty behind.

#1 Two footed approach – weight on both skis…
Ever had a problem when your outside ski plunges into the snow and runs away – The solution is to ski with a little more even pressure on both skis which will help to create a larger platform to stand on.

#2 Round turns and finishing turns to control speed…
If you try to turn your skis too quickly across the fall line in deep powder… the result will be a face plant. Instead try to make your turn shape ski round like the letter “C” this means at the end of each turn, continue turning further around the arc.

#3 The Rhythm…
Rhythmical turns will help you take the energy from one turn into the next… you’ll be bouncing right out of the snow.

See this Video – „How to ski powder“:

#4 Tight core…
Keeping a tight core will stabilize your upper body and minimize instability and loss of balance when you hit that unexpected bump.

#5 Powder skiing is just like skiing the bumps…
The difference is, you will need to extend your legs through the middle of the turn as you push your skis into the snow. This will compact the snow until the rebound – it pushes back on you. Then you flex your legs just like in the bumps.

#6 Wider stance…
The trend amongst ski instructors these days is a bit wider stance. This may be more stable!

#7 More inclination, less angulation…
In powder is no need to lay hard on the edges like on groomed run. This means that turns in powder can have a little more lean with the whole body and a little less edging with the lower joints. BUT – do not lean to much and be aware for not rotation with your upper body (do not swing your arms!!)

#8 Terrain…
As said before, powder will slow you down. So ignore your instincts! The steeper the terrain, the easier it will be to ski.


Have fun and enjoy the powder snow

Powder dive from Mango Jerry in Austria, Badgastein 2017

Ever seen a „POWDER DIVE“? Here is an example including amazing freeride and powder skiing shoots from Austria.

Location was: Bad Gastein, Stubnerkogel / Ski Amade´ in January 2017

Watch this clip – for more see website or link below:

more see http://www.mangojerry.tv

Freeride and powder skiing stock Footage – Austria

Are you looking for freeride / freeskiing / powder skiing clips for your video / reportage / TV show / commercial spot……. we found the perfect website for buying Video stock footage and stock photos.

Watch this clip – for more see website or link below:

and here is an example for stock photos:

Sunset in the Alps / Sonnenuntergang Gastein - more see http://foto-verkauf.tk

more see http://video-footage.tk or http://foto-verkauf.tk

To be a Ski Bum in Austria – see new Video!

An insider Video to life on the slopes and après-ski in beautiful Bad Gastein – also you see the new grey mountain Lodge.

A Ski Bum?

a skiier, usually male, in his late 30’s or older, who generally spends the entirety of his life at ski resorts. the rest of his life is spent sharpening skis or purchasing skis on eBay. alternatively, he coaches a high school ski team.

Are you one of those? Than you have to watch this Video and you know more to be a Ski Bum in Bad Gastein:

Join the Community on Google+ / Ski Bums Austria, click here!

Powder skiing / Freeriding at sunrise in Austria, Ski Amade´- Gastein


You thought that sunrise and Powder skiing / Freeriding together are not possible!? This latest WEB-FILM.AT Skiing and Freeriding series brings more face shots than you can shake a stick at, deep powder, first off-piste tracks and an unforgettable sunrise in the backcountry of Sportgastein!

Location is in Austria, Bad Gastein on the Kreuzkogel in Sportgastein for more ACTION in this region, klick here!

 Watch this video:

Join our Group “Powder skiing” on Vimeo, click here!

Join our FACEBOOK-Page “Ski Videos”, click here!

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